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By signing up for our free hosting, you accept and agree to our Terms of Service

Without filling the form?

Yes! You can deploy the site even easier without filling out this form. Just use our Telegram Bot

Premium hosting

You can also upgrade your free account to iFastNet Premium through the control panel of free hosting. It gives your websites lots of powerful benefits. iFastNet provides the servers and management for your free hosting via our partner This gives us the unique position to be able to upgrade all your domains and sub domains to our enhanced Premium Hosting servers!


Powered by IFastNet

Name Price
Ultimate premium hosting $7.99 monthly / $95.88 yearly
Super premium hosting $4.99 monthly / $59.88 yearly


1. If you pay monthly, you get a choice of free domain in the zone .biz or .eu or .info or .pw
2. If you pay yearly, you get a choice of free domain in the zone .com or .net or .org or or .us or. info or .biz or .eu or .pw

Site management


доступность сайта

Report abuse

You can report sites that violate any laws or hosting rules to our E-Mail address [email protected] or Telegram bot

Examples of sites

You can add your website here. Mail us about it at @dmmebot. The main condition — it must be on our hosting.